Serum-free Solutions

Serum-Free Solutions

Replacing FBS is easier than you think!


Demand for serum-free media and serum replacements is growing rapidly. As serum is of animal origin and contains hundreds of distinct proteins and metabolites in varying concentrations, it is a poorly defined supplement. The resulting batch-to-batch variability can lead to unwanted reproducibility issues or contaminations, which is a major concern for research experiments or purification processes in the industry. This has led to the development of many innovative serum-free cell culture media and serum replacements at PAN-Biotech.

Serum Replacement

Panexin is our product line of serum replacements. It can be used to fully replace FBS as a media supplement or to significantly reduce the usage of serum. Due to the defined composition that does not contain growth factors, undefined hydrolysates, and peptones, batch testing is not required. This allows for high reproducibility. All Panexin products are ready-to-use solutions and are usually used at a concentration of
10 % in cell culture media.

Serum Replacement

Serum Replacement

Panexin is our product line of serum replacements. It can be used to fully replace FBS as a media supplement or to significantly reduce the usage of serum. Due to the defined composition that does not contain growth factors, undefined hydrolysates, and peptones, batch testing is not required. This allows for high reproducibility. All Panexin products are ready-to-use solutions and are usually used at a concentration of 10 % in cell culture media.

For certain cells that do not tolerate a direct change from 10 % FBS-supplemented culture to 10 % Panexin we provide an easy-to-follow adaptation protocol in the respective product datasheets. The amount of serum that is added to the culture medium is lowered in increments of 2.5 % while the concentration of Panexin is increased by the same amount. The cells are allowed to adapt to the lowered serum-concentration for a few passages until the next adaptation step is performed. For the detachment of the cells with trypsin it is advised to use a trypsin inhibitor as Panexin itself has no trypsin-inhibiting properties. Also check out our application note for Panexin CD which shows that the adaptation protocol can even be shortened to accelerate cell adaptation to serum-free conditions.

In some cases successful adaptation of cells to Panexin can be achieved by choosing a different basal medium. Check out how specific cell lines perform with Panexin in combination with different basal media.

Panexin basic is a serum substitute that acts as a cost-effective allrounder. It only contains traces of animal-derived components (< 2 % w/v). It can be used for the cultivation of adherent and suspension cells, such as:

  • HEK 293
  • MDCK
  • MCF-7
  • U-739
  • MDBK

Panexin NTA is a serum substitute which only contains traces of animal-derived components (< 2 % w/v). It is optimized for the cultivation of adherent growing cells. It supports the growth of many established cell lines, such as:

  • L929
  • CHO
  • HAT-29
  • HEK 293
  • MDCK

Panexin CD is a chemically defined serum substitute. It is completely free of animal or human components and can be used for the cultivation of adherent and suspension cells. Among others the following cell lines have been successfully cultured with Panexin CD:

  • HeLa
  • L929
  • HEK 293
  • Vero
  • Lymphocytes

Panexin CD is also available in GMP compliant quality.

Serum-Free Media

PAN-Biotech’s high-quality serum-free media are specifically formulated for optimized expansion of cells entirely without the need of supplementing sera. Although supplementation with serum in cell culture is common practice, it is associated with a number of disadvantages. Growing ethical concerns, a significant batch-to-batch variability and its undefined composition have led to an increasing demand on serum-free products. Our serum-free media provide several advantages:

  • highly defined cell culture conditions
  • increased reproducibility of your applications
  • simplified downstream and purification processes

Hybrid Boost

Serum-Free Media

PAN-Biotech’s high-quality serum-free media are specifically formulated for optimized expansion of cells entirely without the need of supplementing sera. Although supplementation with serum in cell culture is common practice, it is associated with a number of disadvantages. Growing ethical concerns, a significant batch-to-batch variability and its undefined composition have led to an increasing demand on serum-free products. Our serum-free media provide several advantages:

  • highly defined cell culture conditions
  • increased reproducibility of your applications
  • simplified downstream and purification processes

Serum-Free Stem Cell Media

Stem cells are particularly interesting for academic research and the development of cell therapies. PowerStem MSC1 is an easy-to-use xeno-free medium for in vitro proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC). It supports long-term growth of MSCs and keeps the cells in an undifferentiated state, which allows for specifically induced differentiation into various tissues like bone or cartilage. In addition, MSCs cultured in PowerStem MSC1 expand faster and show a significant reduction in hematopoietic cell contamination at early passages compared to serum-based media.

Serum-Free Stem Cell Media

Serum-Free Stem Cell Media

Stem cells are particularly interesting for academic research and the development of cell therapies. PowerStem MSC1 is an easy-to-use xeno-free medium for in vitro proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC). It supports long-term growth of MSCs and keeps the cells in an undifferentiated state, which allows for specifically induced differentiation into various tissues like bone or cartilage. In addition, MSCs cultured in PowerStem MSC1 expand faster and show a significant reduction in hematopoietic cell contamination at early passages compared to serum-based media.

Start your transition to serum-free


Here you can find our current application note, which supports you in switching to our innovative animal and human components-free substitute Panexin.