High-Quality Serum
The quality of serum is of great importance to cell culture applications and bioproduction processes. We assure rigid quality control, certified EDQM (certificate of suitability) processes, extensive testing and complete documentation.
Experience. High Quality. Broad Portfolio.

Find your FBS
Choose FBS according to origin and quality or order samples. Find out more about our FBS Supreme. To compensate differences between batches, PAN-Biotech developed a unique process which does not affect the biological nature of FBS. Single components naturally present in the serum are enriched in a higher quantity thus leading to a more defined product.
Discover Sera Low, a specially selected serum with an endotoxin level lower than 1 EU/ml. For special requirements we offer additional treatment steps such as gamma irradiation, heat inactivation, dialysation, active charcoal treatment, delipidization as well as the reduction of immunglobulin (IgG) content and tests for the absence of tetracycline.

Find your FBS
Choose FBS according to origin and quality or order samples. Find out more about our FBS Supreme. To compensate differences between batches, PAN-Biotech developed a unique process which does not affect the biological nature of FBS. Single components naturally present in the serum are enriched in a higher quantity thus leading to a more defined product.
Discover Sera Low, a specially selected serum with an endotoxin level lower than 1 EU/ml. For special requirements we offer additional treatment steps such as gamma irradiation, heat inactivation, dialysation, active charcoal treatment, delipidization as well as the reduction of immunglobulin (IgG) content and tests for the absence of tetracycline.
Human Serum
Human serum may be more suitable for the cultivation of human cells than FBS, since both the serum and the cultured cells belong to the same species. This makes it easier to reproduce the physiological and natural conditions in vitro. Therefore, human serum is particularly suitable for culture of human cells, tissue engineering of human tissue, human cell therapies, particularly sensitive cell lines and immune cells. PAN-Biotech offers three different categories of human serum: off-the-clot, Seraclot and converted human serum. Within these three categories it is possible to choose between a mixed blood groups pool, human serum AB, and human serum AB male.

Human Serum
Human serum may be more suitable for the cultivation of human cells than FBS, since both the serum and the cultured cells belong to the same species. This makes it easier to reproduce the physiological and natural conditions in vitro. Therefore, human serum is particularly suitable for culture of human cells, tissue engineering of human tissue, human cell therapies, particularly sensitive cell lines and immune cells. PAN-Biotech offers three different categories of human serum: off-the-clot, Seraclot and converted human serum. Within these three categories it is possible to choose between a mixed blood groups pool, human serum AB, and human serum AB male.
Human Platelet Lysate (hPL) is a xeno-free alternative to FBS. It is a well promising source of bioactive substances like growth factors (e.g. bFGF, TGF-β, IGF-1) not only for in vivo wound healing and tissue repair, but also for the expansion of human cells in culture. HPL is able to promote Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) expansion, to decrease the time required to reach confluence and to increase CFU-F size, as compared to the FBS medium. HPL form PAN-Biotech is derived from volunteer donors. The single sample collections are taken from human, healthy donors in certified donation institutions in Europe. The collection of blood follows the EU standards (Directive 2002/98/EC – quality and safety standards for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components). According to the EU standards the donors were tested for the following infection parameters: HBsAg, HBV DNA, anti-HCV, HCV RNA, anti-HIV, HIV RNA and Lues serology.

Other Animal Sera
Some bioproduction applications require serum from other species than bovine or human. Our portfolio offers serum from chicken, donkey, horse, goat, lamb, mouse, pig, rabbit and rat. Other sera are available upon request. All sera are tested for virus and mycoplasma.

Other Animal Sera
Some bioproduction applications require serum from other species than bovine or human. Our portfolio offers serum from chicken, donkey, horse, goat, lamb, mouse, pig, rabbit and rat. Other sera are available upon request. All sera are tested for virus and mycoplasma.